Sunday, March 30, 2008

Tiltviewer rules, ok?

It's been a long time since I pandered to the geek in much to do- so little time (or was it the other way round?)

So whilst whiling time on a lazy Sunday, I stumbled across this really neat gallery creator called Tiltviewer and wasted no time in updating my online photo gallery.*

I'm finally getting the hang of wildlife photography; my subjects no longer run away as soon as I approach. With some luck, I should be able to manage this with human models ;)

*The gallery is in Flash and is urm..a bit unorthodox; many people complained that the objective of viewing the snaps was not achieved because of my choice of gallery. At first glance (or even the second and the third) I couldn't see what they meant, but around the 147th glance I realized they were right. As a fancy showcase, Tv is nice; as a photo viewer it's not really all that hot. If you hate it then you are advised to steer clear and visit the regular gallery here.


Priya said...

Amazing pictures! Tiltviewer is a bit irritating though.. :p

Mukul Hinge said...

Thank you! Tiltviewer seems to be the wrong choice on my part; many people have complained that it's unwieldy and slow.

I've added a simple gallery here:


Priya said...

I didn't find it slow or cumbersome (I guess this depends upon the internet connection).

On the contrary, the pictures tilted so swiftly even if you moved the mouse slightly, that it was annoying and distracting.

Anonymous said...

Is that picture of the temple in Mulshi touched up?

It seems so...

Mukul Hinge said...
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Mukul Hinge said...

@Priya: You're the only one (apart from me) who didn't find it cumbersome... ;)

@Anon: Yes, it's touched up in the sense that I've improved the sharpness and done some tonal adjustment but that's pretty much de rigueur - there's no major Photoshopping. The light and the mood are all natural.

sid said...

hey mukul..its Sidharth from the 7:15 GMAT batch at DOA. Nice pics!
Great blogs too. Check out some of mine at and some of my pics at

Well..I guess I should get back to those unpalatable RC passages ;)